A Not-So-Stuffy Christmas Song

Is it just me, or do some Christmas songs just feel stuffy? We’ve heard them all our lives droned on by robed choruses with droll expressions. The words become stale in our mouths and don’t have the same punch (rum or otherwise.)

There are the fun ones of course, but they are usually about snow or Santa and not actually birthday songs. If you think about it, that’s what Christmas carols are really.

A few days ago, I went to this big Christmas shindig where we listened to carols and sang along to a few. The one that sticks in my mind is one I considered to be stuffy. The tune sounds natural with an organ (which there’s nothing wrong with organs, and sometimes it’s just the right thing, but it can also feel a bit stuffy if you know what I mean.)

The song is “O Come all Ye Faithful.”

The title’s even got a “Ye.”

Looking at the words, however, I came to the conclusion that this birthday song is one of celebration, excitement, and hype! Words like triumphant, exaltation, and adore jump out and say exactly what they mean.

Triumphant: having won the battle!

Exaltation: a feeling of elation or jubilation (e.i. SUPER HAPPY!)

Adore: to love and respect someone deeply.

This is a song to be sung with a big, sappy smile at the top of our lungs with arms outstretched! It’s a victory cheer. A birthday song.

Sometimes I like to rearrange old, familiar words to make them new and alive again in my imagination. When I do this to songs, they usually don’t rhyme anymore or go to a tune, but I see the original more vibrantly for it.

What follows is my ode to the birthday song “O Come All Ye Faithful.”


Faithful ones

We who are joyful

In our triumph!

Come to the place

Of our new king.

He is the monarch of the angels

They adore Him.

We will too.

Oh, sing, Angels

In exultation

Of the glory we now see.

Show that you adore Him.

We will sing with you.

Good morning, Jesus

We have long awaited

Your coming, dear king.

Happy vivacious woman celebrating the snow

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Catherine L. Haws is a native of central Ohio who believes even ordinary things hold extraordinary discoveries. With this in mind she has studied inside of a shrubbery, hillbilly tiki torch jousted, and accidentally attended an Olympic Skiing event on the wrong day. Aside from writing Catherine acts in plays, operates cameras, improvises recipes, and is one of THOSE PEOPLE who talks during movies.

3 thoughts on “A Not-So-Stuffy Christmas Song”

  1. I actually enjoy listening to the old songs, and I listen to a lot of Celtic carol’s over Christmas as well. Granted, Irish music is far from stuffy. 🙂
    The old hymns and carols are grand; they bring you into cathedrals, churches, and worship services of days past.
    Yet, whether you like them or not, it is so easy to overlook their full meaning. It’s a pleasure to read your rendition, and it is a good reminder of what Oh Come All Ye Faithful truly means. Shalom!


  2. I Love You Sweetheart!!! . . . you see Beauty in so many things and can express appreciation in so many forms, such as writing about things important to you in this note! Daddy:)


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